How can she not know? It’s right under her nose. Literally – every time she speaks. Does she think that’s just the way the world smells? Well, wake up (brush your teeth) and smell the roses, girlfriend.
I don’t want to be trivial. And I understand that we all have our things – our defaults. Like I know I have a huge dick and that must be annoying for her, always having to cum and stuff all the time. But I recognize that -- I’ve warned her about my dick. She never mentioned her breath.
I don’t think she knows. And here’s why…
When we we’re face to face she would talk directly to my nose. I would always turn my head, offering my ear. Talk to my ear -- it can't smell you. But she would always turn me back forcing me to face the winds head on. I would have to block my nose which caused me to sound like Droopy Dog, which she thought was funny. But it wasn't really, it was dangerous. I wasn’t breathing and I narrowly escaped death by asphyxiation several times. Shitty way to go, huh?
The best was when I tried to give her a mint.
“No thanks.”
“Nah. Too much sugar.”
Sugar-Free Listerine Breath Strip?
“No thanks. You have so many different kinds of mints.”
I know. I love mints.
I had to be smooth about it. So I slipped a lifesaver in my mouth, kissed her and forced it in her mouth. Suck it. But that only made her breath smell like peppermint shit. And last time I checked, they stopped making Candy Canes in that flavor. Because people thought they smelled like shit.
I had to do some research – I was curious. Why does her mouth smell like someone went to the bathroom in it? What causes bad breath? Did they make a urinal cake that would fit in her mouth? I made an appointment with my online doctor – WebMD.
What I found out was not awesome:
“Bad breath is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When you don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make your breath smell.”
I learned a few things. I learned that I was smelling the Lunchables she ate in 1994 and that those bits of rotten turkey and cracker may have contain information regarding the O.J. Simpson trial. I learned that there was nothing I could do. Ojay was already a free man.
I also didn't think I could just tell her.
Mainly because it would have involved her responding and therefore - me smelling more of her breath which is what I wanted to avoid in the first place.
And secondly, you’re not allowed to tell someone that. Because you’re not. It would hurt their feelings too much. You just have to not talk to them again and put it in a blog.
To see Stephen's videos visit www.thebsquad.com.
Tell her! I know gargling with strong antiseptic would help some.
Some people just don't know! They have to be told.
Some have sinus problems so strong that the smell can take over a room. Sometimes colon problems are the problem. Rotten, abcessed teeth, too.
Tell her and she will look into it if she likes you.
If u ever had that problem(me) you become paranoid about it and gargle often.
People ...You have to GARGLE! Just brushing wont get the realllllly bad breath problem.
Don't leave home without gargling with a strong mouthwash.
You seem to like this girl a lot, tell her, "Babe I like you but your breath is kicking!"
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